Antoine d'Agata
September 02, 2021 - December 17, 2021



Antoine d'Agata 

Laura González Flores, curator

Patricia Conde Galería is pleased to present in Mexico the most recent project of



When the confinement began in March 2020, Antoine d'Agata decided to take to the streets of Paris. He renounces relying on the visual code of photojournalism that, as a member of the Magnum Agency, he dominates. He chooses a thermal camera, blind to details and the usual colors of things. Thus, his images result from the difference in temperature of things. Yellow, very hot, alive. Black, cold, dead.

The city looks empty and ghostly, apocalyptic. It is walked by lonely figures, sometimes in rows with the now distinctive five-foot spacing. The outdoor public space is inhabited only by homeless people left to the cold and to their fate. And the interior spaces are the hospital rooms. Doctors, patients, devices, tubes. The color code becomes dramatic, urgent because it reflects the definitive opposition of the living and the dead.

Although it is impossible to identify people and things, it is clear that what is repeatedly represented in the 1111 images that make up the work are the experiences that concern everyone. Loneliness, emptiness, illness, despair. But also compassion and light: the eternal struggle to overcome darkness, fear, cold.

In this installation, both excess and order are part of the meaning: in a relevant proposal that is integrated into the renowned work of d’Agata as a wandering photographer, of extreme and urgent situations. This exhibition also shows representative photographs of the artist, with an emphasis on those produced in Mexico. Likewise, two videos will be exhibited: Oscurana (2018) and Virus (2020).

Press bulletin (PDF)

Photo: Antoine d'Agata, VIRUS, 2020, 1111 prints on cotton paper, nickel, and glass, March - June 2020, 11 x 15 cm, Installation 3.71 x 6 m.