Los Rituales de la Extinción (The Rituals of Extinction)
Patricio Robles Gil
November 26, 2020 - February 20, 2021

Los Rituales de la Extinción (The Rituals of Extinction) 
Patricio Robles Gil

Patricia Conde Galería presents Los Rituales de la Extinción (The Rituals of Extinction), an exhibition by Patricio Robles Gil. This work, carried out over the last ten years, is an artistic protest against the environmental holocaust that we have infringed on the natural world. The show is made up of more than 50 works, not only of photography but also sculpture, painting, and performance.

The exhibition will be in the gallery from November 26, 2020, until February 20, 2021.

About the artist

Patricio Robles Gil is a passionate Mexican artist and naturalist, who has captured with his camera the extraordinary beauty, but also the fragility of the planet's fauna, in areas practically without the influence of man. In his early thirty years, he was involved in conservation. He founded two of the most renowned conservation organizations in Mexico: Agrupación Sierra Madre and Unidos para la Conservación. He finds it interesting that at the beginning of this millennium we have become witnesses to some of the greatest changes in the Earth's environment that we thought would not occur in our lifetime, but which, unfortunately, are already affecting life on this planet. The way we approach these challenges, the search for new and different ways of dealing with them, will define the opportunities for future generations.

To understand Patricio Robles Gil's commitment to the natural world, it is essential to perceive him as an artist who uses his passion and skills to communicate the beauty and importance of wild places.